Journal of the GES – Autumn 1995
A Dangerous Book or a Faulty Review? A Rejoinder to Robert Wilkin’s Essay on a House United?
William D. Watkins Vice President, Publishing Liberty, Life and Family Virginia Beach, VA Abraham Lincoln once said, “He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help.”1 As I read Robert Wilkin’s review2 of Keith Fournier’s book A House United? Evangelicals and Catholics Together A Winning Alliance for the 21st Century,3 a book
A Surrejoinder to William D. Watkins’s Rejoinder to My Critique of A House United?
ROBERT N. Wilkin Executive Director Grace Evangelical Society Irving, TX I. Introduction In this surrejoinder* I receive an unusual opportunity. As I indicated in my critique of A House United? (hereafter AHU), I believe that it is a dangerous book. I felt a responsibility to point out its flaws and its dangers. Now I have
Vital Theological Issues: Examining Enduring Issues of Theology
Vital Theological Issues: Examining Enduring Issues of Theology. Roy B. Zuck, General Editor. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1994. 232 pp. Paper, $12.99. This is the fourth volume in Kregel’s Vital Issues Series. Eighteen articles centered around crucial theological concerns are assembled from Bibliotheca Sacra, the journal published by Dallas Theological Seminary. The articles span a
The Faith of Demons: James 2:19
JOHN F. HART Professor of Bible Moody Bible Institute Chicago, IL I. Introduction Informed Christians are aware of the ongoing debate in modern evangelicalism concerning the content of the Gospel and the nature of faith. In the heat of the discussion, it’s inevitable that the Pauline doctrine of justification by faith alone will not be
The Ultimate Deception
The Ultimate Deception. By Ray Comfort. S. Plainfield, NJ: Bridge Publishing, Inc., 1993. 269 pp. Paper $5.95. This book is by an itinerant preacher from New Zealand, living in Southern California, who is burdened about the Gospel and the need to proclaim it clearly. We are in total agreement on that. He is against what
A Voice from the Past: The True Grace of God in Which You Stand
J. N. DARBY* —I have written to you briefly; exhorting and testifying that this is [the] true grace of God in which ye stand (1 Peter 5:12b, “New Translation”1). GOD is made known to us as the “God of all grace,” and the position in which we are set is that of “tasting that He
Lord and Christ: The Implications of Lordship for Faith and Life
Lord and Christ: The Implications of Lordship for Faith and Life. By Ernest C. Reisinger. Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing, 1994. 178 pp. Paper $8.99. Reisinger makes no effort to hide the fact that his theology comes from the doctrinal constructs of men. Some of the sources he cites to define terms and explain
A Hymn of Grace: Rock of Ages
FRANCES A. MOSHER Pianist, Christ Congregation Dallas, Texas ROCK OF AGES Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood, From Thy riven side which flowed Be of sin the double cure, Cleanse me from its guilt and power. Not the labor of my hands Can
Is Jesus the Only Savior?
Is Jesus the Only Savior? By Ronald H. Nash. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1994. 188 pp. Paper, $12.99. This important book evaluates the growing influence of pluralism and inclusivism as over against traditional Christian exclusivism. Pluralism answers the title of the book with “No.” Inclusivism answers the title of the book with “Yes, but
Money, Possessions, and Eternity
Money, Possessions, and Eternity. By Randy Alcorn. Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1989. 451 pp. Paper, $10.95. As a pastor, Alcorn set out to preach a three-message series on money. His study led to this twenty-one chapter book with five appendices and a study guide. As a pastor, I too set out to preach a three-message series
The Eternal Sonship of Christ
The Eternal Sonship of Christ By George W. Zeller and Renald E. Showers. Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers, 1993. 127 pp. Paper, $8.99. Several evangelicals have recently concluded that Christ only became the Son of God at His incarnation and therefore His Sonship was not eternal. In The Eternal Sonship of Christ, Zeller and Showers deal
The Power of His Presence
The Power of His Presence. By Adrian Rogers. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 1995. 191 pp. Cloth, $14.99. This motivating book for Christians by Southern Baptist pastor Adrian Rogers merits a somewhat mixed review, I believe. First, three points of commendation are in order. First, it is a book on the inner, or spiritual, life. We need
Hard Sayings of Jesus
Hard Sayings of Jesus. By F. F. Bruce. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1983. 265 pp. Paper, $10.99. The obvious purpose of F. F. Bruce’s Hard Sayings of Jesus, is to make difficult teachings of Jesus easier to understand. Yet, Bruce’s theology makes them impenetrable. Don’t misunderstand, the bookdoes offer some valuable insights. Bruce’s historical
John the Maverick Gospel
John the Maverick Gospel. By Robert Kysar. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1993. Revised edition. 157 pp. Paper, $12.99. When I first began reading the book I had high hopes of finding some worthwhile observations within it, despite the author’s liberal credentials. And I was encouraged, while still on the first page of the preface,
Deceived by the Light
Deceived by the Light. By Doug Groothuis. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers, 1995. 203 pp. Paper $8.99. This excellent book is both a detailed biblical response to the popular (but sadly heretical) bestsellerEmbraced by the Light by Betty Eadie, and a synthetic analysis of “Near-Death Experiences” (NDEs) generally. In a review published in the Autumn
Guilt-Free Living
Guilt-Free Living. By Robert Jeffress. Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, 1995. 256 pp. Cloth, $15.99. According to the author the purpose of his book is to help the reader “eliminate those unrealistic, self-imposed expectations about different life areas” that cause a person to wallow around in guilt and never truly enjoy life (p. 5). Jeffress believes
Amazing Grace. Hymn Texts for Devotional Use
Amazing Grace. Hymn Texts for Devotional Use. Edited by Bert Polman, Marilyn Kay Stulken, and James R. Sydnor. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994. 310 pp. Paper, $15.99. It is a pleasure for one who already reads a hymn every day, along with the Bible and a devotional classic, to review a book that
Blessed Calvary: A Full Color Visual Presentation of Salvation Invitations
Blessed Calvary: A Full Color Visual Presentation of Salvation Invitations. Streamwood, IL: AWANA Clubs International, n.d. 23 minute video. $14.95. Dave Breese, head of Christian Destiny, Inc., narrates this excellent training video. It is used by AWANA Youth Ministries to train those who work with children and young people in how to share the Gospel
Soteriological Implications of Five-Point Calvinism
I. Introduction The theological issues relating to the doctrines of election and salvation have been covered extensively in recent years. Basically, there are four views on election: 1) God elected those individuals who would be saved based on His foreknowledge that they would believe; 2) God unconditionally elected individuals He would save based on His