Journal of the GES – Autumn 1993
Self-Examination as It Relates to Assurance
This voice from the nineteenth century is excerpted from Chapter XX of The Way Made Plain (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1967), 293-95. Reprint from Philadelphia: American Sunday-school Union, 1871. JAMES H. BROOKES[1] It may be asked whether there are not certain evidences of conversion found in the Scriptures. Undoubtedly there are, but they are
Marian Anderson and the Heritage of Spirituals
ARTHUR L. FARSTAD Editor and FRANCES A. MOSHER Pianist, Christ Congregation Dallas, Texas Introduction It is reported that even the bellhops that Easter morning in Washington, D.C. prayed, “Lord, please don’t let it rain!” Their prayer—and that of thousands of others—was answered. Easter Sunday, April 9, 1939, dawned gray and cloudy, but it didn’t rain.
Running to Win! A Positive Biblical Approach to Rewards and Inheritance
Running to Win! A Positive Biblical Approach to Rewards and Inheritance. By G. Harry Leafe. Houston: Scriptel Publishers, 1992. 105 pp. Paper, $7.00. This small book, almost identical in size to our journal, deals with a mighty big topic: the doctrine of eternal rewards. Leafe writes: “Everything that we face in life is a part
Leaders in the Making: A Workbook for Discovering and Developing Church Leaders
Leaders in the Making: A Workbook for Discovering and Developing Church Leaders. By Paul N. Benware and Brian Harris. Chicago: Moody Press, 1991. 120 pp. Paper, $8.99. As the subtitle indicates, this is a workbook designed to be used by churches to discover and develop church leaders. The book is divided into four major study
It’s Greek to Me! An Easy Self-Study of the New Testament Language. Volume 1.
It’s Greek to Me! An Easy Self-Study of the New Testament Language. Volume 1. By John Hart. Chesterton, IN: Hart and Home Publishers, 1993. 97 pp. Paper, $20.95 (includes shipping and handling). This is a fun book. A middle school or high school student could realistically learn the basics of Koine Greek, the Greek found
The Wonderful Spirit-Filled Life
The Wonderful Spirit-Filled Life. By Charles Stanley. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1992. 239 pp. Cloth, $17.99. This book by the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Atlanta, Georgia is a practical work that will edify believers. Although it does contain some doctrinal points, the book is primarily designed to help Christians in their daily
Nelson’s Concordance of Bible Phrases
Nelson’s Concordance of Bible Phrases. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1992. 752 pp. Cloth, $19.99. Students of the Bible will find this unique concordance very helpful. Unlike the typical concordance, which is a listing of verses in which an individual word occurs, this one lists all the verses where a particular phrase occurs. The editors have
Follow Me: The Master’s Plan for Men
Follow Me: The Master’s Plan for Men. By David E. Schroeder. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1992. 243 pp. Paper, $10.99. This ambitious book lays out a discipleship plan especially for men based on the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. Its unique feature is that it focuses on character transformation in a small group
Spiritual Warfare. Victory Over the Powers of This Dark World
Spiritual Warfare. Victory Over the Powers of This Dark World.By Timothy M. Warner. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 1991. 160 pp. Paper, $7.95. The content of this book is an edited form of the Church Growth Lectures given in 1988 at Fuller Theological Seminary. The author is a professor of missions and evangelism at Trinity Evangelical Divinity
Today’s Pastors
Today’s Pastors. By George Barna. Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 1993. 169 pp. Cloth, $15.99. George Barna is not a pastor. How, then, can he write a book about pastors and designed for pastors? The answer is because George Barna is not a pastor. The best way to arrive at unbiased, objective conclusions is to distance
Pro Life Answers to Pro Choice Arguments
Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments. By Randy Alcorn. Portland, OR: Multnomah Press, 1992. 294 pp. Paper, $8.99. In all the media coverage of the rhetoric and actions surrounding the abortion controversy, one might even get the impression that pro-lifers believe abortion to be an “evil work” somehow crucial to a person’s eternal destiny. Some in
John Nelson Darby
John Nelson Darby. By Max S. Weremchuk. Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers, 1992. Translated from the German, John Nelson Darby and die Anfdnge einer Bewegung, 1988. 256 pp. Cloth, $14.99. A strong GES supporter was challenged by an antidispensationalist about the father of modern dispensationalism: “He wasn’t very educated.” My friend, though a seminary graduate, had
The Psychological Effects of Lordship Salvation
FRANK B. MINIRTH * Introduction The relationship between faith and works has been an issue of debate for many years. It centers around the nature of saving faith: Does it entail a response of the human will to the lordship of Christ? Evangelicals maintain that justification is by grace through faith alone and that works
The High Cost of Salvation by Faith-Works A Review of John F. MacArthur, Jr.’s Faith Works: The Gospel According to the Apostles
ROBERT N. WILKIN Associate Editor Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society Roanoke, TX I. Introduction It is with a deep sense of sadness that I write this review. Reading this book and listening to it on tape have left me feeling depressed. The theology of John MacArthur is anything but uplifting. He has lost touch
The New Puritanism Part 2: Michael S. horton: Holy War with Unholy Weapons
Introduction to the Series Over the last year or so a growing number of books and articles has appeared which have targeted the Free Grace movement for critique and rebuttal. These publications mention the Grace Evangelical Society and its literature. This is a positive development. GES definitely wishes to have its views seriously discussed in