The key to having eternal life is to believe in Jesus for it (John 3:16, 36; 5:24; 6:47). The key to having abundant life is to abide in Jesus for it. But how do you abide?
Part of the answer is that you must obey.
“If you keep My commandment, you will abide in My love” (John 15:10).
What is the connection between obedience and abiding in His love? Why is one conditioned on the other?
Let me begin by clarifying that Jesus is not saying you need to obey to be loved. He is saying you need to obey to abide in His love. Being loved and abiding in love are two different things.
God loves the world objectively, and unconditionally, no obedience required (John 3:16). But that does not mean everyone knows that God loves them, or that they self-consciously enjoy His love. Enjoying God’s love is subjective and conditional. It takes abiding. And to abide, you need to obey what Jesus commanded.
The reason why you must obey to abide makes perfect sense when you think of what Jesus commanded you to obey. If you could boil down what Jesus required to just one word, what would it be?
Ultimately, all of Jesus’ commandments boil down to loving God and loving our neighbors, even our enemies.
So, to paraphrase John 10:15, “If you love, you will abide in My love” (John 15:10).
Doesn’t that make sense?
To self-consciously enjoy Christ’s love for you, love others. Love needs to be a focus of your actions, motivations, and perspective on life. Love needs to characterize who you are and what you do. And when you are open to love for others, you become open to Christ’s love for you. And that is when you find yourself not only loved by Christ but abiding in that love.