Baptism: The Believer’s First Obedience. By Larry Dyer. Grand Rapids , MI : Kregel Publications, 2000. 92 pp. Paper. $3.95.
In this short booklet, Dyer adeptly and succinctly addresses the doctrine of Christian baptism. The book answers several important questions about baptism such as: What is it? Why do it? What is the mode of baptism? Who should be baptized? Where can it be done? He also gives some helpful practical suggestions about baptism.
Dyer asserts that “baptism is…an outward picture or symbol of what God has done in the life of the believer through faith” (p. 22). The author also records several passages that indicate that faith in Christ is the sole means of obtaining eternal life (pp. 82-86). He also briefly, but effectively, addresses a few passages which have mistakenly been thought to teach water baptism as a requirement for salvation (pp. 72-78).
This book would serve well as a teacher’s guide for anyone desiring to teach a series of lessons on the doctrine of baptism. It is easy to read, well organized, and thorough. It is also an excellent resource for any new believer seeking to understand more about baptism.
J.B. Hixson
Assistant Academic Dean
College of Biblical Studies
Houston , TX