Money, Possessions, and Eternity. By Randy Alcorn. Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1989. 451 pp. Paper, $10.95.
As a pastor, Alcorn set out to preach a three-message series on money. His study led to this twenty-one chapter book with five appendices and a study guide.
As a pastor, I too set out to preach a three-message series on money, but like Alcorn, I soon discovered that there is too much said in the Bible about the subject for anything less than a full series. Before I found his book, I read or perused a half dozen others on the subject. None came close to this one in thoroughness, clarity, depth, and biblical accuracy.
Alcorn groups his chapters in four sections. The first covers the problems of materialism, the second deals with money and possessions in relationship to eternity, the third concerns giving, and the fourth discusses how to handle money wisely and biblically.
What will be most exciting to grace-oriented readers is his second section, which discusses stewardship and eternal rewards. Here is a practical application of the grace view of rewards. His discussion is complete and biblical. He is very careful to explain the difference between salvation and rewards and the conditions for each.
Alcorn’s perspective is refreshing compared to what some others are saying in relation to the Christian and finances. I read one book that suggested that those who do not handle money well may not be going to heaven! I also recently heard a popular Christian financial advisor on the radio say that he thinks people who do not give adequate financial support to their pastor are not Christians.
Every Christian faces daily decisions about stewardship issues. How we handle our money and possessions may well be the greatest determiner of rewards in eternity, as evidenced by the number of parables in which Christ addressed stewardship and accompanying rewards for shrewdness and faithfulness.
I recommend this book to everyone. It will be a valuable resource for life, teaching, or preaching.
Charles C. Bing
Burleson Bible Church
Burleson, TX